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Showing posts from August, 2019

How to use google analytics to boost seo of your website

If you are a geek who wants to settup his own business in digital marketing and work full time on it then SEO skills plays an important role for success rate of your's.  But do you have any idea that how you can use google analytics to boost SEO of your website. But google analytics has a wide user interface. It shows every precised description of your site. If you are a beginner  in this field then probably you don't have any idea about how to get started. In this article, I am gonna describe that on which areas in google analytics you should focus on for getting a boost on your website. Create an account on google analytics and just play with it. Just hover on all of the menu's that you see there. You need to find out which keyword drives traffic to your site. For that search for the keywords ranking tools for your niche that you can use for free. CTR i.e click through rate is also the thing that you should look for. What percentage of time does one of your p

Do you really want to make your career in digital marketing

Now a days in 2019 you all must have heard about digital marketing. You must have heard of popular millioniares like Neil Patel and harsh aggrawal. How to made millions by their websites using digital marketing.  Are you seeing yourself in their position in future?  Do you get motivated whenever you see their inspirational videos? Do you want to explore more about digital marketing? Then you are at the right place. Back then was just like you, pursuing graduation and watching those millioniares and all.  I made one wordpress website and i thought that by applying digital marketing on that websites i will earn money. I got my account approved by google adsence but i never made a single penny out of it. After some time i got pressurised by engineering studies and then i quit it. Then i become a web developer and an android developer because i thought that if i become a developer i will earn a lot of money. But nothing worked and now i got back to where i was before. Whenever y